
  • Claremont Serial Killer Psychic Task Force
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 21. 13:59

    Hello,Here are some more details on the serial killer case that is unfoldingin Perth, Australia.It's very interesting to me that ALL 3 of the suspected victims of thisserial killer attended the same prestigious school, Iona PresentationCollege, in Perth. It seems unlikely to me that this a coincidence. I'msure the local authorities are now carefully probing and investigating thebackgrounds of all the students and teachers who attend this college, orhave attended within the past few years.If this serial killer is smart, he will broaden his victim base, andimmediately stop killing students from this particular college. Bycontinuing to follow this same pattern he is setting himself up forcapture.

    Hello,Here is some information on our new serial killer case in Perth,Australia. Not a whole lot of new details here, however there is onetactical point that is well worth noting.Police are urging employers and supervisors to check their work recordsand see if anyone was absent from work on the day after the discovery ofthis second body, who are ALSO absent from work today, the day after thediscovery of the third body.

    Police are hypothesizing that the killermight be feeling stress over the discoveries of his victim's bodies, andthat might cause him to take the day off from work. Jen1orbit wrote:: Hello,:: Here are some more details on the serial killer case that is unfolding: in Perth, Australia.:: It's very interesting to me that ALL 3 of the suspected victims of this: serial killer attended the same prestigious school, Iona Presentation: College, in Perth. It seems unlikely to me that this a coincidence. I'm: sure the local authorities are now carefully probing and investigating the: backgrounds of all the students and teachers who attend this college, or: have attended within the past few years.:: If this serial killer is smart, he will broaden his victim base, and: immediately stop killing students from this particular college.

    By: continuing to follow this same pattern he is setting himself up for: capture. He MUST diversify and expand his victim base, if he wishes to: remain a free and successful serial killer.Serial killers, while testing generally above average on IQ tests, aren'tgenerally very smart about altering their patterns. Wayne Williams alteredhis slightly in response to information being reported but he didn'tchange his method 'hunting' victims.

    I suppose he considered that partpretty safe since the rumors were that some white guy was doing thesemurders.But the Perth guy appears fixated on a certain physical type (sort of likeTed Bundy was). The authorities, while screening the students andfaculty at that school, might look into the subjects' mothers andappearance.- my actual login name is dhaire, not d.haire doug haire05.04.97 0:00. Mark Owen wrote:: Latest news on the Perth serial murders is that police seem to think it: might be a taxi driver. They have run extensive tests on the saliva of: drivers who volunteered to undergo checks and also checked out their: taxis.

    Does saliva testing imply that the two bodies already found show: biting as having occurred?More likely there is DNA evidence or expected DNA evidence. This couldmean there was sexual assault and the killer left semen behind or that oneor more of the victims managed to fight and scratch the killer.- my actual login name is dhaire, not d.haire Jen1orbit05.04.97 0:00. Hello,Here is an interesting update on the search for the Perth, Australiaserial killer.

    This article is from the April 5 online edition of TheMelbourne Age newspaper, a local paper based in Australia. Being a localpaper, we get a certain perspective on the case, and some details that arenot mentioned in the generic AP news wire reports.It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and thereason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come frommiddle to upper class families. Although one of the victims seems to be an'Aboriginal', which I assume is a racial class of person that is devaluedby Australian society. If this serial killer had killed 3 streetprostitutes in Perth, I feel very confident that the media in Australiawould not be covering the case nearly as much as they are now doing.All cultures, whether they admit it or not, place greater value on thelives of certain people, over other people. This serial killer happens tobe targeting folks that Australian society places high value upon. Hello,Here is yet another update on the ongoing police search andinvestigationinto the serial killing case in Perth, Australia. In this update, anAustralian government forensic psychiatrist offers his opinion of theserial killer'smindset, and challenges the official police profile of the killer.

    Hearguesthat the manner in which this SK disposed of the bodies contradicts thepolice description of him being a controlled and meticulous killer whocarefully planned out all the abductions and murders.This forensic psychiatrist even offered a suggestion on where policeshouldlook for the NEXT body, namely 'bushland east of Perth'. He sounds morelike a wanna-be psychic than a forensic psychiatrist. On Sat, 05 Apr 1997 13:45:05 +1000, (Mark Owen) wrote:Latest news on the Perth serial murders is that police seem to think itmight be a taxi driver.

    They have run extensive tests on the saliva ofdrivers who volunteered to undergo checks and also checked out theirtaxis. Does saliva testing imply that the two bodies already found showbiting as having occurred?Mark OwenFelicity Press for Unusual PublicationsSaliva in this instance is probably being used in order to collect samples forDNA testing to compare against what was found on the victims.E-MailWhen I die, I want to go peacefully.In my sleep, like my grandfather.Not screaming, like the passengers in his car.Lurker 8805.04.97 0:00. In article,(Jen1orbit) wrote:Attention in this case has focussed on two apparently contradictoryaspects. On the one hand, all three likely victims went to the sameschool - tying them together as potential acquaintances of the killer.One the other, from earliest reports, the police have targeted taxidrivers as a suspect group - a profession which ensures fortuitousencounters with strangers, ideal, in a grisly sense, for the serialkiller's pathology of stranger killing.I suspect the shared schooling may be a red herring. Perth is a smallenough place that you might expect such a coincidence occurring with threeyoung women drinking in a particular area like Claremont, upmarket,exclusive, not catering to an enormous cross section of people.The police were publicising this crime as the work of a serial killerwhen only one body had been found.

    Why, one wonders. It was broadcast onAustralia's MOst Wanted (another time, I'll post about that strangeshow.) as such when only one body had been discovered.Thoughts? These crimes remind me of Ted Bundy's prediliction forcampuses. They also make me more anxious than ever about cab drivers, whoare both a refuge and a danger, these days, it seems.Melissa-'.Neely O'Hara laughed.' Jen1orbit06.04.97 0:00. Wrote: It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from middle to upper class families.

    Although one of the victims seems to bean 'Aboriginal','Lurker 88' Wrote:Hi Joe,I am an Aussie and have been following the case closely. The three womenthat disappeared all were of Coarcasian(sp) race all blonde and verysimilar looking. None of the victims is of Aboriginal race.Lurker88Hello Lurker88,Thanks for the correction, I appreciate it.

    One of the news articles Iread seemed to include a complaint from the father of one of the 3victims, in which he said that his daughter's death/disappearance had notbeen investigated thoroughly by the police, and he felt it was due to hisdaughter being of aboriginal race. I guess either I misread the article,or the info in the article was incorrect. In any event, many thanks forsetting the record straight, and please do post any new and relevantdevelopments in this case that might occur in the future.Take care, JOEMelissa Hardie06.04.97 0:00.

    In article,(Jen1orbit) wrote:.Hello,. Here is an interesting update on the search for the Perth, Australia.serial killer. This article is from the April 5 online edition of The.Melbourne Age newspaper, a local paper based in Australia. Being a local.paper, we get a certain perspective on the case, and some details that are.not mentioned in the generic AP news wire reports. It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the.reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from.middle to upper class families. Although one of the victims seems to be an.'

    Aboriginal', which I assume is a racial class of person that is devalued.by Australian society. If this serial killer had killed 3 street.prostitutes in Perth, I feel very confident that the media in Australia.would not be covering the case nearly as much as they are now doing.After the third disappearance, the Government offered a $250,000 reward.for.information leading to a conviction. That reward, the biggest in the.state's history, did.not include information about Sarah-Lee Davey, 21, who disappeared after.leaving a.Broome night club on 15 January.Her parents have distributed posters of their daughter throughout the.north of.Australia.Mr Dennis Davey has been critical of the amount of police resources.devoted to the.search for his Aboriginal daughter, but police say they are treating the.disappearance.``as seriously as the others'.Does this clarify?Three women have disappeared from Claremont in Perth, all of whom went tothe Iona Presentation College. These are the supposed victims of thekiller, and there has been, to my knowledge, no information about theirethnicity/cultural background.In another incident, a women of koori (Aboriginal) background disappearedfrom a nightclub in Broome, not Perth. This case may or may not berelated, but is being classed as distinct. Broome is a.long. way fromPerth; thousands of miles.

    This is like an incident in Maine being linkedto one in Florida - possible, but not inevitable! Whether or not it isdistinct, the case has generated little of the interest that the Claremontdisappearances did. Note also, only 2 women's bodies have been discovered- we don't yet know the fate of the third woman in Perth, nor of thekoori woman in Broome. So the connection between the cases is a distinctissue to the failure to focus on the Broome incident, although they mayultimately be related, and the failure to incorporate the Broome incidentmight be damaging for the apprehension of a suspect. A side trip toBroome, for example, would be one way to locate a suspect.You would be right in suggesting that this case has generated a lot ofattention because of the social status of the victims. I think if threeprostitutes had disappeared from the streets in Perth, we would probablynot have heard a thing.

    And indigenous people in Australia of course areamongst the most marginal and disadvantaged although I do not know a lotabout Broome; often it is probably misleading to generalise aboutcommunities in the rural areas of the country, where particular historiesand events (eg land title claims, histories of colonial attacks, &c) arevery locale-specific. Broome might be a strong community for kooris - Idon't know. Jen1orbit wrote: Hello, It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from middle to upper class families.


    Although one of the victims seems to be an 'Aboriginal', which I assume is a racial class of person that is devalued by Australian society.The story is actually only huge news in Perth, the rest of the countrymight run the story as the third story on the nightly news, if anythinghappens. EXCEPTION, when the body of the lawyer was found.An aboriginal is a native of this country, ancestors here before whitesettlement 200 odd years ago.If this serial killer had killed 3 street prostitutes in Perth, I feel very confident that the media in Australia would not be covering the case nearly as much as they are now doing.Maybe, maybe not, it depends on wether there is much news around or not. All cultures, whether they admit it or not, place greater value on the lives of certain people, over other people. This serial killer happens to be targeting folks that Australian society places high value upon.

    And so you can expect the media attention to continue to grow, especially if the SK claims another victim or two of the same social status as his 3 current victims.No argument here. Take care, JOELikewise, JeffMelissa Hardie06.04.97 0:00. In article, wrote:.Serial killers, while testing generally above average on IQ tests, aren't.generally very smart about altering their patterns. Wayne Williams altered.his slightly in response to information being reported but he didn't.change his method 'hunting' victims. I suppose he considered that part.pretty safe since the rumors were that some white guy was doing these.murders.Yes, you're right - presumably, those aspects of the crime are intergral,and thus pointless to vary, as they are the very terms by which the killer.satisfies. his need to kill.

    It is interesting, isn't it, the complexityof the sk's pattern of behaviour, which may merely seem stuppidly rigid tous.Melissa-'.Neely O'Hara laughed.' Jim Dezmon07.04.97 0:00. In article, 'Lurker 88' wrote:.I am an Aussie and have been following the case closely. The three women.that disappeared all were of Coarcasian(sp) race all blonde and very.similar looking. None of the victims is of Aboriginal race.Coarcasian is about right, too.Note, in my earlier post, I said no information was available, to myknowledge, about the ethnicity/cultural background of the three women inPerth. Yes, they were blond.

    You may be unaware of this, but koori(Aboriginal) people can be blond. They certainly can dye their hair, too.Let's not presume too much about ethnicity and its obviousness, eh?Joe, however, is referring to the woman from Broome who is also missing,and has been described as Aboriginal. Reread his post.Melissa-'.Neely O'Hara laughed.' Johnny Rogaine08.04.97 0:00. Melissa Hardie wrote: Thoughts? These crimes remind me of Ted Bundy's prediliction for campuses.

    They also make me more anxious than ever about cab drivers, who are both a refuge and a danger, these days, it seems. MelissaCab driver would have to be an appealing job for a serial killer. It'slate at night, the passengers are often intoxicated and can't put upmuch of a fight, they don't have to be tricked or forced into the car.That thought will make me uneasy next time I take a cab ride.Recently there was a cab driver in New England that killed a passengerwho refused to put out his cigarette.

    Touchy, touchy! (Didn't mean tomake light of the murder, but I couldn't resist.:)I know Ted Bundy targeted college campuses, and so did Danny Rolling.Anyone know of any other serial killers who have done so?Johnny Rogaine.Wayne Eddy08.04.97 0:00. Jeffrey Harris wrote:: Jen1orbit wrote:: : Hello,: : It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the: reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from: middle to upper class families. Although one of the victims seems to be an: 'Aboriginal', which I assume is a racial class of person that is devalued: by Australian society.:: The story is actually only huge news in Perth, the rest of the country: might run the story as the third story on the nightly news, if anything: happens. EXCEPTION, when the body of the lawyer was found.: An aboriginal is a native of this country, ancestors here before white: settlement 200 odd years ago.I have read or heard no indication theat any or the girls were of aboriginaldescent.

    Two of the girls whose bodies have been found - it is only alledgedthat the other have been killed were of a professional background. One of thegirls worked as a child minder.Please do not turn this thread into a racial debate. Aboriginal people are not'devalued' by Australian society. The Australian Government and society valuethe Aboriginal people greatly. Individuals with too narrow view of the worldand its cultures are responsible for devaluing all life.:: If this serial killer had killed 3 street: prostitutes in Perth, I feel very confident that the media in Australia: would not be covering the case nearly as much as they are now doing.:: Maybe, maybe not, it depends on wether there is much news around or not.With a population of a yawning 1.5 Million statewide (its very, very big place)three murders involving individuals from any social class would be front lineworthy. We have not had a serial killer in a decade.

    In the USA 3500 - 5000people are killed nationally by serial killers and mass murderers each year.:: : All cultures, whether they admit it or not, place greater value on the: lives of certain people, over other people. This serial killer happens to: be targeting folks that Australian society places high value upon.

    And so: you can expect the media attention to continue to grow, especially if the: SK claims another victim or two of the same social status as his 3 current: victims.: : No argument here.If this were a humerous thread I might add that one of the girls was a lawyer.:: Take care, JOE: Likewise, Jeff-Wayne Eddy.Melissa Hardie10.04.97 0:00. In article,(Wayne Eddy) wrote: I have read or heard no indication theat any or the girls were of aboriginal descent. Two of the girls whose bodies have been found - it is only alledged that the other have been killed were of a professional background.

    One of the girls worked as a child minder. Please do not turn this thread into a racial debate. Aboriginal people are not 'devalued' by Australian society. The Australian Government and society value the Aboriginal people greatly. Individuals with too narrow view of the world and its cultures are responsible for devaluing all life.Wayne, If you reread Joe's post, you'll see that the aboriginal woman herefers to is involved in a.separate incident.

    from the Claremontabductions: she went missing from Broome.See my earlier post on this topic.FYI, it is not Joe who raises the issue of race, but the parents of thewoman from Broome, who is aboriginal. Her parents are upset that herdisappearance is not being prioritised.Wayne, I agree with your sentiment that this sensationalised crime shouldnot be further sensationalised. And I am proud that you write:.Please do not turn this thread into a racial debate. Aboriginal people are not'devalued' by Australian society. The Australian Government and society valuethe Aboriginal people greatly. Individuals with too narrow view of the worldand its cultures are responsible for devaluing all life.I wish I believed this as strongly as you do, but I agree, it is wrong togeneralise about a people.

    IMHO, unless their ethnicity is specificallyraised, the girls should not be presumed to be anything that is just abasic issue, isn't it, that we don't assume everybody's european, even ifthey are blond?So I hope this clarifies.jj@10.04.97 0:00. Jen1orbit wrote: HelloIt's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, andthe reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from middle to upper class families. Although one of the victims seems to bean 'Aboriginal', which I assume is a racial class of person that isdevalued by Australian society.Hi all- just a quick clear up; the Australian news put in a mention of themissing girl who is half Aboriginal because her father was upset she wasn'tgetting the kind of attention as the Perth victims. However, they werevery unclear on the fact that this girl was not connected at all with theseother cases and even went missing from a completely different area. Thepapers were extremely unclear on this point, even publishing her picturenext to those of the 3 suspected sk victims.; the victims were, in fact,.all.

    white, middle class girls from the same private girls' school. Byefor now,jjMercedes Zardain13.04.97 0:00. Lurker 88 wrote: It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from middle to upper class families. Although one of the victims seems to be an 'Aboriginal', Hi Joe, I am an Aussie and have been following the case closely. The three women that disappeared all were of Coarcasian(sp) race all blonde and very similar looking. None of the victims is of Aboriginal race. Lurker88the media cosistently gave this crime 'the biggest massacre in relationto the number of murdered victims in the history of australias serialkillers' this is because most were white.

    Yet not many australians areaware of and it was never announced in the media nor is it spoken ofwhen giving the perth massacre such label, that only 30 years ago(approx or more)a group of station hands along with the station ownerwent in search of a black man who had killed a white man in selfdefence. The white men found the koori with his group or family thatcomprised of over 100 women children elders etc and shot them all onsight.there were no survivors.These murderers were never brought to trial.

    Why then is the perthmassacre with only 30 something dead hold the 'record'. It wouldnt haveanything to do with the fact that still in 1997 australians are quick tojudge other nations on their treatment of indigenous people yet stilltreat the kooris of this country as non people.i am sorry that my dates and actual numbers are not exact as it is a fewyears since i heard of this massive massicre. What i do know as fact isthat it was over 100 dead.Mercedes Zardain13.04.97 0:00. Although i am unable to comment on the massacre Indigenous Australians Ithink what you heard may be innasurate. I do know that the in digenousAustralians of Tasmania were slaughtered in numbers so vast last centurythat the population has become extinct as a direct result since.

    I feelthe shame that our nations forfathers have left us to bear. We cannotpunish dead people for their crimes.There have been three deaths related to the serial kiler in Perth.-Wayne Eddy.andrew.@gmail.com03.12.17 15:04. On Friday, April 18, 1997 at 3:00:00 PM UTC+8, Wayne Eddy wrote: Although i am unable to comment on the massacre Indigenous Australians I think what you heard may be innasurate. I do know that the in digenous Australians of Tasmania were slaughtered in numbers so vast last century that the population has become extinct as a direct result since. I feel the shame that our nations forfathers have left us to bear. We cannot punish dead people for their crimes. There have been three deaths related to the serial kiler in Perth.

    iMercedes Zardain wrote:: Lurker 88 wrote:: : It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the: reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from: middle to upper class families. Although one of the victims seems to be: an: 'Aboriginal',: : Hi Joe,: : I am an Aussie and have been following the case closely. The three women: that disappeared all were of Coarcasian(sp) race all blonde and very: similar looking.


    None of the victims is of Aboriginal race.: : Lurker88the media cosistently gave this crime 'the biggest massacre in relation: to the number of murdered victims in the history of australias serial: killers' this is because most were white. Yet not many australians are: aware of and it was never announced in the media nor is it spoken of: when giving the perth massacre such label, that only 30 years ago: (approx or more)a group of station hands along with the station owner: went in search of a black man who had killed a white man in self: defence. The white men found the koori with his group or family that: comprised of over 100 women children elders etc and shot them all on: sight.there were no survivors.:: These murderers were never brought to trial. Why then is the perth: massacre with only 30 something dead hold the 'record'. It wouldnt have: anything to do with the fact that still in 1997 australians are quick to: judge other nations on their treatment of indigenous people yet still: treat the kooris of this country as non people.:: i am sorry that my dates and actual numbers are not exact as it is a few: years since i heard of this massive massicre. What i do know as fact is: that it was over 100 dead. Wayne Eddy.andrew.@gmail.com03.12.17 15:05.

    It has been in the past easy to kill people unrelated. This has now become somewhat harder.The murder you discuss was the aboriginal girl who was victim of another very transient Navy mechanic serial killer in Broome.Richard was highly transient and very hard for police to trace.The reason police took such notice of the Claremont case, was that they knew they had a serial killer on their hands in a centralised area.So the police have solved the aboriginal girl case before the white girls.andrew.@gmail.com03.12.17 15:20. On Friday, April 18, 1997 at 3:00:00 PM UTC+8, Wayne Eddy wrote: Although i am unable to comment on the massacre Indigenous Australians I think what you heard may be innasurate. I do know that the in digenous Australians of Tasmania were slaughtered in numbers so vast last century that the population has become extinct as a direct result since. I feel the shame that our nations forfathers have left us to bear. On Thursday, April 3, 1997 at 4:00:00 PM UTC+8, Lurker 88 wrote: The body of Perth's third serial killer victim was found yesterday in bushland north of the city.

    The young Lawyer disappeared three weeks ago from a popular night club area. All three girls to go missing have been blonde, drank at the same hotel and went to the same school as reported on this mornings news. Two bodies have been recovered now.And here we are.A man, Bradley Robert Edwards, has been charged in December 2016 before the Magistrates Court was closed for the year with the murder and rape of a few women.This telephone company electronics engineer had all the tech at his hands to track and predate whoever he wanted.He has been in remand for some time as police collate further evidence.andrew.@gmail.com03.12.17 15:37. The interesting thing with this case, is the two murdered girls were found in low areas, one next to a drain.Ciara was found in a half moon circle surround of grass trees in a place call Pippidinny which means, where the breasts lie down.Jane was discovered roadside next to a wetland drain which collects removes water from the once wetland area. Jane was found among Arum Lily, poisonous to cattle.Wadjuk: 'Pipidinny as pi-pi - di - n - ny as bee-bee - djinnang - nyin orbeeba - jinnung'andrew.@gmail.com03.12.17 15:45. On Tuesday, April 8, 1997 at 3:00:00 PM UTC+8, Wayne Eddy wrote: Jeffrey Harris wrote:: Jen1orbit wrote:: : Hello,: : It's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the: reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from: middle to upper class families. Although one of the victims seems to be an: 'Aboriginal', which I assume is a racial class of person that is devalued: by Australian society.:: The story is actually only huge news in Perth, the rest of the country: might run the story as the third story on the nightly news, if anything: happens.

    EXCEPTION, when the body of the lawyer was found.: An aboriginal is a native of this country, ancestors here before white: settlement 200 odd years ago. I have read or heard no indication theat any or the girls were of aboriginal descent. Two of the girls whose bodies have been found - it is only alledged that the other have been killed were of a professional background. One of the girls worked as a child minder. Please do not turn this thread into a racial debate.

    Aboriginal people are not 'devalued' by Australian society. The Australian Government and society value the Aboriginal people greatly. Individuals with too narrow view of the world and its cultures are responsible for devaluing all life.:: If this serial killer had killed 3 street: prostitutes in Perth, I feel very confident that the media in Australia: would not be covering the case nearly as much as they are now doing.:: Maybe, maybe not, it depends on wether there is much news around or not. With a population of a yawning 1.5 Million statewide (its very, very big place) three murders involving individuals from any social class would be front line worthy.

    Claremont serial killer psychic task force full

    We have not had a serial killer in a decade. In the USA 3500 - 5000 people are killed nationally by serial killers and mass murderers each year.:: : All cultures, whether they admit it or not, place greater value on the: lives of certain people, over other people. This serial killer happens to: be targeting folks that Australian society places high value upon. And so: you can expect the media attention to continue to grow, especially if the: SK claims another victim or two of the same social status as his 3 current: victims.: : No argument here. If this were a humerous thread I might add that one of the girls was a lawyer.:: Take care, JOE: Likewise, Jeff - Wayne Eddy.The East India Trading Company was a multi-national private military company that was owned by aristocratic individuals across the world.' The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth I on 31 December 1600, making it the oldest among several similarly formed European East India Companies. Wealthy merchants and aristocrats owned the company's shares.4 Initially the government owned no shares and had only indirect control.'

    'By 1803, at the height of its rule in India, the British East India company had a private army of about 260,000—twice the size of the British Army.5'andrew.@gmail.com03.12.17 15:58. On Sunday, April 6, 1997 at 4:00:00 PM UTC+8, Jeffrey Harris wrote: Jen1orbit wrote: HelloIt's obvious that this case is very high profile in Australia, and the reason is that the 3 women killed were all well educated and come from middle to upper class families.

    Claremont Serial Killer Trial

    Although one of the victims seems to be an 'Aboriginal', which I assume is a racial class of person that is devalued by Australian society.These families are not 'wealthy'.

    Bradley Robert Edwards (left) was arrested on Thursday at his home in the Perth suburb of Kewdale. Among other charges, he was charged with two counts of murder for the deaths of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, whose bodies were found in bushland in the 1990s'I'm just calling to let you know that Carol and I are OK, we're overseas at the moment with Amanda and the girls and we're quite comfortable,' he said.' We've been pre-warned on what was going to happen and the Taskforce are in contact with us on a regular basis and giving us updates as to what's happening. Thanks very much, cheers.'

    Claremont Serial Killer How Was He Caught

    Sarah Spiers (pictured) is believed to be the first of the three women that went missing.

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